Thursday, July 23, 2009


I am in the final stretch, the home stretch, the lumbar stretch. Today I felt like a detective. I had to investigate why certain keys were no listed as returned. I used my Sherlock Holmes starter kit and researched the key history for rooms and students. Star Res is a pretty in depth little program. Things have been a bit quiet here at PSU, at least for me. I have been finalizing the blackboard page. I have a lot of work in the next couple days, but it should all get done and pay off.

I have to figure out the cheapest way to ship a box full of stuff back to Michigan. I heard media mail is cheap so yeah. I am not a fan of moving like I used to be. That's about all that's left to plan for my trip back home. That and the Michigan Flyer reservation.

Tomorrow the Thermals are playing at Jackpot Records that is the highlight of my summer. I am guessing I will either get there super early or it will be too packed and I won't get it.

I got great news on the IM sports front. It looks like we 'SAGA members' can participate in intramurals. I am excited about that. I talked to Juliette today and I am excited to see the cohort and to hear their summer stories. It could be like an episode of inside the actors studio.

It's almost quitting time so I am going to wrap this up. More to come this weekend.

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