Thursday, July 2, 2009


That is what it says in the men's bathroom on the second floor of the Broadway building. I often find myself thinking did they mean Make Total Destruction or is it a 3 step process first you make then you total then you destroy. Who knows...

Things have been busy so busy that I haven't found the time to update this blog. I have been thinking about it that's for sure. I am just about at my midpoint here at PSU. I think I have like 3.5 weeks left or something. This weekend is 4th of July weekend, but now it will remembered not so much for USA, but for Michael Jackson.

Due to some short staffing issues I have been manning the phones this week during my two days in the Housing office. You learn a lot when you have to figure it out on the phone. I have been given some of the "dirtier" jobs like calling to notify students that they are being charged for things or calling to see why the haven't transferred rooms. It's okay because I will never interact with these students again. I mostly struggle with pronouncing names verse the message I am giving.

In Res Life I have been working on creating a Blackboard page for the student staff. That has become an bigger project that I expected. So these next three weeks are going to be busy over there. I also started to play with some data from a survey. I didn't bring my SPSS book so it's getting a little hairy, but I think Matt would be proud. I think Heck was right in her prediction.

PSU's radio station just celebrated their 15th birthday and Tender Forever played this little park. It was pretty cool we talked about her coming to MSU, but who knows. There is about to be some fireworks up in this place and there is a cookout here on campus. I also just found a vegetarian hot dog spot. I have had some good sushi courtasy of a choo choo train and there is this Japanese place that I am told is the shit.

I just ordered a new tennis racquet we should get a little SAGA tennis league going.

Living without a TV has been a challenge, but I have managed to find some new favorite TV shows online. If you have netflix check out Party Down.

My mom got me a Penguins jersey and that just came in today so I think I will never take it off. I am apologizing in advance for my continued excitment about the Stanley Cup Finals. It's not because we beat Detroit it's the fact that we won. I will try my best to not bring it up or flont it Michigan, but you have to cut me some slack.

I am thinking I need a plant for my apartment int he fall. What are some plants that are easy to take care of?



  1. Get some bamboo!
    I just got a bamboo from Ikea, and I'm pretty sure it's going to need some company. They're really low maintenance and supposedly hard to kill.

  2. I've heard a lot of people say they wish they had their SPSS books with them this summer! Who knew?

    DON'T get a fern.

    Hope the West is treating you well... see you in a month!

  3. Bamboo! My parents sell them...I want them to ship me some for my apt. :) Let me know if you want some.

    Reese is absolutely right --- have hard to kill and very low maintenance.

    I brought my SPSS with me and have yet to use it. I'm thinking of different assessment projects, but my supervisor is hesitant on assessment. :( Fail.
